Transforming Lives One Device at a Time


ATU-Assistive Technology Unlimited is a Houston-based company that serves the State of Texas by providing auxiliary aids and services that support independence. Many of our devices are provided thru the S.T.A.P. --Specialized Telecommunications Assistance Program, a State-funded program that purchases basic specialized assistive equipment or services that helps people who have limiting condition(s) that interferes with telephone use.

Shop our online store for an incredible array of high-quality devices to improve your quality of life and aid in your independence.

We provide on-site hearing services, devices, and training to people in the Houston, TX area. Contact us today for a free no-obligation appointment.

S.T.A.P. (Specialized Telecommunication Assistive Program) helps Texas residents who have a disability that interferes with their access to telephone networks.


ATU was founded by Detra Stewart. She is a disability advocate who specializes in "communication access". She designs and provides customized staff training to hospitals, law enforcement agencies, and businesses that are mandated by Federal decrees.

Her courses address procuring and properly utilizing auxiliary aids and the different types of sign language interpreters, along with implementing effective policies and procedures. She readily speaks to the unique challenges providers face when addressing cultural and language variances among individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, late-deafened, and deaf-blind.

For more than 25 years, Ms. Stewart worked in critical care as a Respiratory Therapist. She has a BS degree in Deaf Education, is a certified sign language interpreter, and is a Certified ADA Coordinator. Ms. Stewart is committed to promoting awareness about the needs of people who are “differently-abled”, especially those affected by hearing loss. She provides expert witness testimony, ADA- (AMERICANS WITH Disability Act) communication compliance, and sensitivity training. She instructs businesses and organizations on adherence to mandated responsibilities while also providing cost-effective solutions. Her collective expertise contributes to her insatiable desire to promote awareness about the quality of life for people who are “differently able” especially those with limited English proficiency, are who are deaf, Hard of hearing. late-deafened, and deaf-blind.


ATU serves seniors and people with disabilities, especially those related to hearing loss: age, technology, communication barriers, coping skills, education, and resources.

Our clients are adults and children. Our interactions with them are individual, with their families, or in congregate settings. We partner with community agencies and organizations that serve seniors and people with disabilities, including those in assistive living, group, and nursing facilities—we equip their clients with devices that will enhance their hearing/communication.

ATU offers customized workshops, low-cost cellular phones and services, free hearing screenings, training on ADA Compliance, disability etiquette, coping skills. and American Sign Language classes.

We provide amplifiers, phones, tablets, and a host of devices that are beneficial to so many seniors and people with disabilities.

Invite us to speak to your support group, civic, social, or church organization’s next meeting. Contact us today for a free no-obligation hearing screening.



Shop our online store for an incredible array of high-quality assistive devices designed to enhance your independence and quality of life.

Moto g6 Smartphone
Clearsounds 1600BT
ACE 10.1 Android
BeHear Bluetooth Headset


Our online calendar lists upcoming programs, classes, and other events.



ATU is here to meet all of your assistive technology needs. Please call or email us to schedule an appointment.